Sunday, March 08, 2009

Baila Conmigo

While eating breakfast yesterday at El Sol y La Luna's new Red River location in downtown Austin, a boy around eight years old walked up to our table, held his hand out to my friend and said, "Baila conmigo." At first she didn't understand him and thought he wanted some of her taco, but he repeated, "Baila conmigo" and grabbed her hand. (For those non Spanish speakers, he was saying "dance with me" in Spanish.)

His mother came to our table soon after--very surprised by her son's actions, and very apologetic to us. But there was no need to apologize. This little charmer made our breakfast--if not our day. His mother explained that her son is learning how to dance, and during their breakfast she was explaining how to properly ask a woman to dance. He immediately stood up and walked over to our table to the shock of his family.

Once my friend realized what he was asking her, she put down her taco and allowed him to lead her to what I assume is a dance floor in the restaurant's evening hours. Keep in mind there was no music playing. The boy took care of that issue by humming as he led their dance.

Thankfully, I had my camera. Below is a picture of the future heartbreaker dipping my friend (video to come):

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