Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Snails Are So Sleepy

With temporarily not having internet access at my humble abode, I have neglected my dusty blog and you fine folks for much too long. Just know that you are all in my prayers, my thoughts, and my diary until I can produce a proper update.

Please enjoy these few facts to appease you for the time being written by some jerk nerd.

  • Some breeds of chickens lay colored eggs.
  • A microwaved baseball will fly farther than a frozen baseball.
  • Ancient Romans at one time used human urine as an ingredient in their toothpaste.
  • Linen is actually stronger when wet.
  • Tigers also have striped skin.
  • Stilts were invented by French sheperds who needed a way to get around in wet marshes.
  • Catgut comes from sheep not cats.
  • One quarter of the human brain is used to control the eyes.
  • Windmills always turn counter clockwise, except in Ireland.
  • Minnows have teeth in their throat.
  • Buttermilk contains no butter.
  • Radio code "Wilco" is short for Will Comply.
  • Rats can tell the difference between two human languages.
  • A snail can sleep for three years.
  • Half Puerto Rican women are the most attractive women in the world.

...Okay the last one I made up, but it doesn't make it false.


C. Alderete said...

You mean if I pluck my eyes out, there's a chance I'll develop mental telepathy?

f8hasit said...

You know, mmost of those I didn't know, until now. I'm going to use them at the next gathering to show my superior intellect. I thank you in advance for the laurals I'm sure to receive.

However, I DID know the last one. I'm SO jealous...


Sharon Reynolds said...

The more I say it, the more I feel it's true. ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks for this. I love reading random stuff like that.