Friday, February 27, 2009

You Must Have Had A Great Night If...

1) You wake up with half a bratwurst on your bed.

2) You have an almost empty glass of water by your bed that you don't remember getting.

3) Your driver's license falls off your boob as you're about to get into the shower.

4) You find multiple texts to your ex on your cell phone the next day.

And in my case this morning...

5) You realize at about noon that you've been walking around the office with your zipper down all morning...and you don't really care.


C. Alderete said...

6. Your urethra is glued together and you spray urine on yourself, the toilet, and bathroom tiles/carpet. Wocka, wocka, wocka.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know girls cared if their zipper was down. Thought only dudes worried about it.