Monday, June 15, 2009


I just accidentally burped in unison with a cocaine and alcohol addict on TV.

And now, although I have never even seen cocaine and I have no addiction to alcohol or any addiction for that matter (besides my TGIF lunchbox addiction---not that I have lots of lunchboxes--I'm just super addicted to a certain one ***shout out to Perfect Strangers' Balki Bartokomous!!!*** ), I feel like I'm just as disgusting as the addict who just vomited into a trash can in the basement.


C. Alderete said...

That's a wicked lunchbox

f8hasit said...

I love Balki...
and am so impressed that you know his last name. Impressive. Truly impressive. Burpigh and all.

Daniel Alejandro Romano said...

I think your addiction is better than mine to gummy bears, so start making some conclusions...You are not that bad, Trust me.

Street Art & Graffiti Blog

Cristina said...

I LOVE Balki too! ...and burping. I'm a classy gal :-D

Lora said...

yeah. you are totally separated at birth with the junkie.


i love it!