Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Day-lee Fo-toe

Ernie the Owl

This is Ernie. He's our newest tenant at my parents' house. If I could reach him, I would hug him and squeeze him and kiss him before he pecked my eyes out. I think this is why one of my friends referred to me as Elmira from Tiny Toons. Can I help it if I have too much love to give? Can I?


GeologyJoe said...

Cool. I have two questions: What kind of owl is he? and how high up is that box?

Sharon Reynolds said...

Well, I figured that the type of owl he was was just Freakin' Cute. Especially after he plopped into the bottom of that box/Owl Condo when I got too close. But after doing a little research right this second (about a minute after you posted that comment ***ponders her need for a life***), I found out that it's an Eastern Screech-Owl or Otus Asio. However he really doesn't resemble his awkward namesake from everyone's favorite Saved By the Bell.


(please refer to my recent post about the best website ever.)

And for your second question: About 12 feet.